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How Can Acupuncture Help With Chronic Pain
Although a relative newcomer to Western societies, Acupuncture has been practiced for over 2500 years in Asia as a branch of what is now known as Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture has been used as a whole system of medicine, to diagnose and treat a wide variety of conditions, from gynaecological and digestive issues to different types of pain. Although Western medicine has been slow to accept Chinese Medicine as a valid form of treatment, positive clinical outcomes has led to the substantial growth of Acupuncture in the West. In fact, these days it is hard to find a physiotherapist who does not...
How many treatments for Chronic Pain?
How many treatments of Laser Acupuncture you need for Chronic Pain issues will depend greatly on your physical issue and mindset. I will assess your issues in the initial appointment and make a recommendation for frequency of treatment based on that. Some patients get substantial results after a single treatment, others after several weeks. For most patients however, 6-12 treatments is enough to get them back on track. We know now that stress can exacerbate and worsen many health conditions, but most of us cannot avoid stress in our daily lives - so it is imperative that you try to at least...
The effects of Acupuncture are cumulative
I'm often asked, how long does it take to see an improvement from Laser Acupuncture treatments? My answer is: The effects of Acupuncture are cumulative - the effects of each Acupuncture treatment stack up on each previous treatment. For most conditions, you can expect to feel better after your first treatment, but full healing takes time, and each acupuncture treatment adds to the effects of those before it. Imagine your health to be a cup of water. When you get an injury, it is like a small leak in the cup, which causes the water to slowly drain from it. When you receive treatment, we are...
What is the process for Laser Acupuncture appointments?
Appointments at Adelaide Laser Acupuncture typically last between 20-40 minutes for initial appointments and 15-25 minutes for subsequent appointments. Each appointment begins with taking a detailed case history about your main issue and any other issues, which may give greater insight into your main pain point in regards to Chinese medicine. If you have any reports on any scans that you have had done, please bring them in with you! Because Chinese medicine is a holistic medicine, I will often ask questions about things that may seem unrelated, like your digestion or menstrual cycles, but...