A common question we get when it comes to treating chronic pain is how is laser acupuncture different from traditional acupuncture? Laser acupuncture is a form of acupuncture that uses low-level infra-red lasers instead of traditional acupuncture needles to stimulate...
How many treatments for Chronic Pain?
How many treatments of Laser Acupuncture you need for Chronic Pain issues will depend greatly on your physical issue and mindset. I will assess your issues in the initial appointment and make a recommendation for frequency of treatment based on that. Some patients get...
How does Acupuncture work for Chronic Pain?
Acupuncture is a branch of Chinese medicine that aims to create balance and harmony of the energy in the body, which is called qi. This balance in Western medicine is known as homeostasis. There is a famous saying in Chinese medicine that guides all treatments for...
How’s laser different from needle Acupuncture?
Lots of people wonder why I use lasers in my Acupuncture treatment instead of the traditional needles. Acupuncture treatments in Australia typically use single-use sterilised stainless steel needles. These are the same needles that are used in dry needling treatments....