How many treatments of Laser Acupuncture you need for Chronic Pain issues will depend greatly on your physical issue and mindset.
I will assess your issues in the initial appointment and make a recommendation for frequency of treatment based on that.
Some patients get substantial results after a single treatment, others after several weeks. For most patients however, 6-12 treatments is enough to get them back on track.
We know now that stress can exacerbate and worsen many health conditions, but most of us cannot avoid stress in our daily lives – so it is imperative that you try to at least reduce or manage the amount of stress in your life in order to get the maximum benefit out of your Acupuncture treatments.
What we strongly recommend is to be consistent in attending treatments to get the best outcome.
This is because acupuncture treatments are cumulative in their effect – the positive results stack up on one another with each treatment.
We always strive to ensure that every patient gets some benefit in their first treatment.
If you have any more questions, contact us or if you’re ready to make an appointment you can book online here.
Til next time!