Appointments at Adelaide Laser Acupuncture typically last between 20-40 minutes for initial appointments and 15-25 minutes for subsequent appointments.
Each appointment begins with taking a detailed case history about your main issue and any other issues, which may give greater insight into your main pain point in regards to Chinese medicine.
If you have any reports on any scans that you have had done, please bring them in with you!
Because Chinese medicine is a holistic medicine, I will often ask questions about things that may seem unrelated, like your digestion or menstrual cycles, but this information gives me much more insight into what is going on in your internal system as a whole.
Once I have all the information needed, we will begin treatment immediately!
Because we use cold infra-red lasers, this allows us to have short treatment times, with the same great results acupuncture is known for. We aim to have you feeling better after the very first treatment!
After the first treatment, we generally recommend twice-weekly treatments for 4 – 6 weeks to get the best results, and after this we will reassess.
If you’re interested in trying out Laser Acupuncture, you can click here to make an appointment or use the contact form to ask me any questions you have!
Til next time,